R. Graham Cooks

- B.Sc. University of Natal, South Africa, 1961
- Ph.D. University of Natal, South Africa (Frank L. Warren, advisor), 1965
- Ph.D. Cambridge University, United Kingdom (Peter Sykes, advisor), 1967
- Post-doctoral Fellow, Cambridge University (Dudley H. Williams, advisor), 1967-1968
- Assistant Professor, Chemistry Dept., Kansas State University, 1968-1971
- Co-Director of Mass Spectrometry Center, Purdue University, 1971-1973
- Director of Mass Spectrometry Center, Purdue University, 1973-1986
- Associate Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University, 1975-1979
- Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University, 1980-present
- Fulbright Senior Fellow, University of Warwick, 1981
- Head, Analytical Division, Purdue University, 1989-1996 and 2006-2009
- Adjunct Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology, 1987-2000
- Henry Bohn Hass Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Purdue University, 1990-present
- Guest Professor, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2002-2003
- Honorary Professor, Jilin University, 2003-2007
- Honorary Professor, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, 2003-2006
- Guest Professor, Chemistry Dept., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2004-2007
- Co-Director, Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development, Purdue University, 2008-present
- Distinguished Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 2013-present
- Honorary Professor, East China Institute of Technology, Nanchang, China, 2016-present
- Guest Professor, Southeast University, Nanjing, China 2018-present
- Fellow, Hagler Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A&M University, 2020-present
- Served as major professor to 156 PhD students.
- 380 group members including long-term visitors and post-doctoral researchers
- 61 academic faculty members
- h-index 134 (ISI Web of Science): 1,457 publications; 67,519 citations
- h-index 149 (Google Scholar): 1,796 publications; 97,858 citations
- D-index 141 (Research.com): 79,694 citations; #61 in the US, #110 in the world
- Elsie Ballot Scholar, Cambridge University, 1965-1967
- Fulbright Senior Fellow, University of Warwick, 1981
- Indiana Lions Club Purdue Cancer Research Award, 1983
- President, American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 1984-1986
- Chemical Instrumentation Award, ACS, Analytical Division, 1984
- Thomson Medal for International Service to Mass Spectrometry, 1985
- Purdue Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award, 1986
- Honorary Member of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society, 1987
- Adjunct Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology, 1987-2000
- Herbert Newby McCoy Award, Purdue University, 1990
- ACS Award for Mass Spectrometry (Frank H. Field & Joe L. Franklin Award), 1991
- ACS Award for Analytical Chemistry (Fisher Award), 1997
- D. Sc. (Honoris causa), University of KwaZulu-Natal, 1999
- Honorary Life Member, British Mass Spectrometry Society, 1999
- Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award, Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh, Pittcon, 2000
- Life Member, Indian Mass Spectrometry Society, 2000
- Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA) Achievement Award, 2000
- Founding President, International Mass Spectrometry Society, 1997-1998
- Honor issue, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 2001
- Guest Professor, Jilin University, Changchun, China, 2002-2003
- Honorary Professor, Jilin University, 2003-2007
- Honorary Professor, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, 2003-2006
- Guest Professor, Chemistry Dept., Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2004-2007
- Outstanding Faculty Commercialization Award, Purdue University, 2005
- Alexander M. Cruickshank Lecturer, Gordon Conferences, 2005
- National Science Foundation MPS Distinguished Lecture, 2006
- Distinguished Contribution Award, American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2006
- Certificate of Achievement, Indiana Health Industry Forum, Innovention 2006
- College of Engineering Faculty Award of Excellence (team award), 2007
- University of Florida, Distinguished Visiting Professor, 2007
- Honorary Life Member, Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, 2007
- Visiting Professor, Institute for Ion Physics, Innsbruck, Austria, 2007
- Eastern Analytical Conference Inaugural Award for Outstanding Achievements in Mass Spectrometry, 2007
- Focus Honor Issue. J Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom (vol. 19, no. 2), 2008
- Visiting Professor, Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada, 2008
- Maccoll Lecture, British Mass Spectrometry Society, 2008
- Ralph N. Adams Award, Pittsburgh Conference, 2009
- Robert Boyle Medal, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2009
- Graduate Mentoring Award, College of Science, Purdue University, 2010
- Distinguished Lectureship Award, ACS NJ Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group, 2010
- Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Science, 2010
- Monie A. Ferst Award, Sigma Xi, October 2011
- Centenary Prize, Royal Society of Chemistry, November 2011
- Cotton Medal for Excellence in Chemical Research, American Chemical Society, 2012
- Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Warwick University, UK, December 2012
- Camille & Henry Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences, 2013
- Distinguished Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 2013
- Nobel Laureate Signature Award for Graduate Education in Chemistry (preceptor), American Chemical Society, 2014
- Elected Fellow, National Academy of Inventors, 2014
- Elected Fellow, US National Academy of Sciences, 2015
- Focus Honor Issue, J Amer. Soc. Mass Spectrom (vol. 28, no. 6), 2017
- Aston Medal, British Mass Spectrometry Society, 2017
- Waters Symposium (recognizing Ambient Ionization), PittCon, 2018
- China International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, 2019
- ACS Analytical Chemistry J. Calvin Giddings Award for Excellence in Education, 2020
- Elected Foreign Member, Indian National Science Academy, 2021
- Honorary Member, Czech Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2023
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Association for Mass Spectrometry & Applications in the Clinical Laboratory (MSACL), 2024
- Othmer Gold Medal, Science History Institute, 2025
- Distinguished Lecturer, Montana State University, 1982
- Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Utah, 1982
- Plenary Lecturer, FDA Symposium on Analytical Methodology, 1982
- Plenary Lecturer, La Spettrometria di Massa in Chimica Organica, Farmaceutica e Biologica, Italian Chemical Society, Messina, Sicily, 1983
- Plenary Lecturer, Triennial Exxon Worldwide MS Symposium E. Brunswick, NJ 1983
- Plenary Lecturer, Annual Conference, American Society for Pharmacognosy, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, 1983
- Special Lecturer, University Della Calabria, Italy, 1983
- Plenary Lecturer, Annual Conference, SGMS-GAMS, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1984
- Plenary Lecturer, Annual Conference, British Society for Mass Spectrometry, 1984
- Boomer Lecturer, University of Alberta, 1984
- Distinguished Lecturer, Frontiers in Chemical Research Texas A&M University, 1984
- Plenary Lecturer, 1st International Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, Beijing, China, 1985
- Plenary Lecturer, Annual Conference, ACFAS, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada, 1985
- Plenary Lecturer, Mass Spectrometry Conference, Gesellschaft fur Biotechnologische Forschung, Braunschweig, Germany 1985
- Plenary Lecturer, Incontro di Specttrometria di Massa, CNR, Padova, Italy, 1985
- Special Lecturer, Elving Memorial Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1985
- Visiting Lecturer, University of Campinas, Brazil, 1986
- Plenary Lecturer, Triennial Exxon Worldwide MS Symposium, East Brunswick, NJ, 1986
- Plenary Lecturer, International Workshop on Ion/Molecule Reactions in Applied Mass Spectrometry, Societe Francaise de Spectrometrie de Masse, Versailles, France, 1986
- Plenary Lecturer, Annual Conference, Societe Francaise Mass Spectrometrie, Grenoble, France, 1986
- Plenary Lecturer, Encontro Latino-Americano de Expectrometria de Masses, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1986
- Plenary Lecturer, Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry Asilomar, CA, 1986
- Special Invited Lecturer, 10th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Ontario-on-the-Lake Canada, 1987
- Special Lecturer and Installation as Honorary Head, Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, 1987
- Visiting Lecturer, Josef Stefan Institute, Llubjana, Yugoslavia, 1987
- Plenary Lecturer, Incontro di Spettrometria di Massa CNR, Padova, Italy, 1987
- Plenary Lecturer, 3rd Workshop on Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry, Italian Chemical Society, Laghi di Sibara, Italy, 1987
- Plenary Lecturer, Incontro di Spettrometria di Massa CNR, Padova, Italy, 1988
- Summer Lecturer, Dept of Chemistry, University of Colorado, 1988
- Plenary Lecturer, Biennial Conference, Australian/New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry, Brisbane, Australia, 1988
- Plenary Lecturer, 36th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Francisco, CA, 1988
- Plenary Lecturer, 4th National Symposium on Mass Spectrometry, Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry, Bangalore, India, 1988
- Plenary Lecturer, 11th International Triennial Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Bordeaux, France, 1988
- J.J. Neckers Lecturer, Hope College, Holland, MI, 1989
- Procter & Gamble Lecturer in Surface Science, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 1989
- Frontiers in Chemistry Lecturer, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, 1989
- Plenary Lecturer, International Symposium on Applied Mass Spectrometry in the Health Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, 1990
- McCoy Distinguished Lecturer, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 1990
- Plenary Lecturer, European Meeting on Tandem Mass Spectrometry, University of Manchester Inst. of Science and Technology, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1990
- Roland Frei Memorial Lecturer, 7th Montreux Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques, Montreux, Switzerland, International Association of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1990
- Barnett Lecturer, Northeastern University, Boston, 1991
- Plenary Lecturer, 12th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1991
- Willard Lecturer, University of Michigan, 1991
- Plenary Lecturer, Applied Biosystems, Indianapolis, 1991
- Plenary Lecturer, Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Kemidagarna Finnish Chemical Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 1991
- Plenary Lecturer, University of Oulu, Sweden, 1991
- Ridder Lecturer, University of Miami, Oxford, OH, 1992
- Clark Lecturer, West Virginia University, Morgantown, 1992
- Plenary Lecturer, Korean Mass Spectrometry Society Meeting, Seoul, Korea, 1992
- Plenary Lecturer, 9th International Conference on Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis, Otsu, Japan, 1992
- Plenary Lecturer, International Conference on Biological Mass Spectrometry, Kyoto, Japan, 1992
- Plenary Lecturer, Science Innovation '93, Boston, Massachusetts, 1993
- Fassel Lecturer, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 1993
- Keynote Lecturer, International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 1994
- W. J. Chute Lecturer, Dalhouse University, Halifx, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1994
- Plenary Lecturer, American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Atlanta, Georgia, 1995
- Plenary Lecturer, International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Tampere, Finland, 1997
- Fisher Award Lecture, American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA, April 1997
- John van Geuns Lecture, University of Amsterdam, May 1998
- Inaugural Gill Lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington, January 1999
- Wolfgang Paul Lecture, German Mass Spectrometry Society, Oldenburg, May 1999
- Plenary Lecture, British Mass Spectrometry Society, Reading, September 1999
- Bayer Award Lecture, University of New Hampshire, Dover, October 1999
- Davis Memorial Lecture, University of New Orleans, March 2000
- Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award Lecture, New Orleans, March 2000
- Plenary Lecturer, Italian Mass Spectrometry Society, Rimini, Italy, June 2000
- American Laboratory Automation Award lecture, San Diego, July 2000
- Raymond S. Vogel Memorial Lecture, Urbana-Champaign, IL, November 2000
- Plenary Lecturer, 13th International Symposium on Chirality, Orlando, FL, July 2001
- Plenary Lecturer, Ninth International Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, Beijing, October 2001
- Plenary Lecturer, Portuguese Chemical Society, Aveiro, Portugal, March 2002
- Plenary Lecturer, 50th Annual Meeting of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, May 2002
- Plenary Lecturer, 50th ASMS Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Applied Topics, Orlando, FL, June 2002
- Conover Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, TN, October 2002
- DOD Day demonstration (Association of American Universities Coalition for National Security), Trace Chemical Warfare Agent Detection in Air with a Hand-held Mass Spectrometry, Washington DC, July 2002
- Keynote Lecture, International Symposium on Advanced Analytical Techniques and Applications, Analytical Division Korean Chemical Society and Korean Society for Mass Spectrometry, Kyungnam University, Masan, Korea, November 2002
- McElvain Lecture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, March 2003
- Dauben Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, May 22, 2003
- Plenary Lecturer, SIMS XIV Conference, San Diego, CA, September 2003
- Inauguration Lecture at Jilin University, Changchun, China, October 2003
- Inauguration Lecture at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Changchun, China, October 2003
- Keynote Lecture, Keystone Conference on Mass Spectrometry in Systems Biology, Santa Fe, NM, February 2004
- NJMS Distinguished Lecture, New Jersey Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group, September 2004
- Plenary Lecture, Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry 2004, Quadriennial Conference of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, South African Chemical Institute, Buffelspoort, South Africa, October 2004
- Miniature Mass Spectrometer demonstration, National Science Foundation "Sensors" event,
- Keck Center, Washington, DC, September 2004
- Inauguration Lecture as Guest Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, November 2004
- Outstanding Commercialization Award for Purdue University Faculty Lecture, 2005, Purdue University, West Lafayette, February 2004
- Alexander M. Cruickshank Lecturer, Gordon Conference on Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions, Ventura, March 2005
- Inaugural Jefferson Lecture, Chemistry Department, University of Virginia, March 2005
- Plenary Lecture, 2nd Mass Spectrometry Conference Applied to Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents, Amsterdam, April 2005
- Graduation Lecture, Chemistry Department, Kent State University, April 2005
- Plenary Lecture, British Mass Spectrometry Society, York, UK, September 2005
- Plenary Lecture, 1st Symposium de Chimie et Biologie Analytiques de la molécule au protéome , Montpellier, France, September 2005
- Annual Ernest C. Mercier Lecture in Entrepreneurial Chemistry, York University, October 2005
- Plenary Lecture, 32nd FACSS Conference, Quebec City, Canada, October 2005
- Plenary Lecture, Inaugural Conference of the Brazilian Society for Mass Spectrometry, Campinas, Brazil, November 2005
- MPS NSF Distinguished Lecture, National Science Foundation, February 2006
- Plenary Lecture, ASMS Distinguished Contribution Award, Seattle, May 2006
- Keynote Lecture, 17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, August 2006
- Invited Lecturer, 7th Siena Meeting: From the Genome to the Proteome and Back Again, Siena, Italy, September 2006
- Roland Frei Lecture, 23rd LC/MS Montreux Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland, November 2006
- Plenary Lecture, Norwegian Society of Mass Spectrometry, Hafjell, Norway, January 2007
- Cherry Emerson Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Georgia Tech, March 2007
- Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Florida, Gainsville, Fl, March 2007
- Plenary Lecturer, Annual Conference, Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, Hiroshima, Japan, May 2007
- Plenary Lecturer, Nordic Mass Spectrometry Conference, Savonlinna, Finland, August 2007
- Invited Lecturer, Swiss Group on Mass Spectrometry, Interlaken, Switzerland, October 2007
- Visiting Professor, Institute for Ion Physics, Innsbruck, Austria, October 2007
- Invited Lecturer, IIT Mumbai, IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, CCMB Hyderabad, IISc, & other Indian Institutions, December 2007
- Plenary Lecture, Isranalytica 2008, Tel Aviv, Israel, January 2008
- Gomberg Lecture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2008
- Francine and Michael Saferstein Memorial Lecture, Barnett Institute, Northeastern University, Boston, April 2008
- Introductory Lecture, 56th ASMS Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Denver, CO, June 2008
- Maccoll Lecture, British Mass Spectrometry Society, York, UK, September 2008
- Job Lectures, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland, July 2008
- Plenary Lecturer, NVMS International Conference, Rolduc, Netherlands, March 2009
- Plenary Lecturer, 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Bremen, Germany, September 2009
- Plenary Lecturer, 3rd Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Meeting, Campinas, Brazil, December 2009
- Plenary Lecturer, LabAutomation 2010, Palm Springs, CA, January 2010
- Leland Wilson Endowed Lecturer, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, October 2010
- Plenary Lecturer, 2nd Asian and Oceanic Mass Spectrometry Conference/8th Korean Society for Mass Spectrometry, Busan, South Korea, August 2011
- Pittcon Lecturer, Japan Analytical Instrumentation Manufacturers Association, JAIMA EXPO 2011, Chiba,Japan, September 2011
- Plenary Lecturer, Congress of the French Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Societies; Avignon, France; September, 2011XVIII, Riva del Garda, Italy, September 2011
- Zhe Ke Zhen Distinguished Lecturer, Zhejiang University, China, October 2011
- Monie Ferst Award Lecture, Georgia Technical Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, October 2011
- Danforth Lecture, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa, October 2011
- Plenary Lecturer, 13th Conference on Instrumental Analysis, JAI, Barcelona, 2011
- Centennial Prize Lectures, Royal Society of Chemistry, February 2012
- Cotton Medal Lecture, American Chemical Society, April 2012
- Werner Lecturer, University of Kansas, April 2012
- Opening Lecture, Desorption 2012, Ebsdorfergrund, Germany, June 2012
- Plenary Lecture, 19th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Kyoto, Japan, September 2012
- Pittcon Lectures, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry, October 2012
- Squibb Lectures, University of North Carolina-Asheville, November 2012
- Plenary Lecture, 6th Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytical Chemistry/13th Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytical Chemistry, June 2013
- Plenary Lecture, 9th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Glasgow, July 2013
- Plenary Lecture, 17th Brazilian Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, October 2013
- Plenary Lecture, 15th Beijing Conference on Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (BCEIA 2013) Beijing, China, October 2013
- Chupka Lecture, Yale University, New Haven, CT, February 2014
- PNNL Laboratory Director's Distinguished Lecture, Richland, WA, March 2014
- Chair's Invited Lecture, British Mass Spectrometry Society, Alderly Park, Cheshire, April 2014
- Plenary Lecture, Hong Kong Society of Mass Spectrometry, June 2014
- Plenary Lecture, Analitka 2014, South African Chemical Institute, Parys, September 2014
- Purnendu K. Daspuptra Lecturer, Texas Tech University, October 2014
- J. Clarence Karcher Lecturer, University of Oklahoma, October 2014
- G. F. Smith Memorial Lecture, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, November 2014
- Keynote Lecture, Royal Australian Institute of Chemistry, Adelaide, December 2014
- India-Purdue Inaugural Lecture, IITMadras, JNCASR Bangalore, Ahmedabad University, IISER Mohali, January and February 2015
- Swiss Chemical Society Lecturer, University of Basle, ETH Zurich, University of Zurich, University of Bonn, University of Geneva, March 2015
- Pittsburgh Society for Analytical Chemistry Lectures, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, April 2015
- Murray Lecture, University of Missouri, St. Louis, April 2015
- Grenville Frost Visiting Lectureship, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, April 2015
- Gilead Lecture, University of Alberta, Edmonton, April 2015
- Derby Lecture, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, May 2015
- Plenary Lecture, BCEIA, Beijing, China, October 2015
- Plenary Lecture, Eastern Analytical, Somerset, NJ, November 2015
- Plenary Lecture, MS ACL, Palm Spring, CA, February 2016
- Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Analytical Chemistry Frontiers, Xiamen, China, June 2016
- Plenary Lecture, Mendeleev Conference, Russian Chemical Society and IUPAC, Ekaterinburg, Russia, October 2016
- Larson Lecturer, St. Thomas College, St. Paul MN, October 2016
- Invited Lecture, ASMS Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry, October 2016
- Reilly Lecturer, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, January 2017
- Invited Lecture, Gordon Research Conference on Gaseous Ion Structures and Reactions, Ventura, CA February 2017
- Izatt Christensen Lecturer, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, March 2017
- Invited Lecture, D. Wayne Goodman Symposium, Texas A&M University, May 2017
- Chair's Invited Lecture, British Mass Spectrometry Society Meeting, Manchester, UK, September 2017
- Morawetz Lectuer, NY Tandon School of Engineering, March 2018
- Hermans Lecture, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, April 2018
- Nanyan Lecture, Peking University, Shenzhen, China, April 2018
- Keynote Speaker, Analitika 2018, Mookgophong, South Africa, July 2018
- Keynote Lecturer, HPLC 2018, Washington DC, July 2018
- Thomas Lecturer, University of Missouri at Columbia, November 2018
- Keynote Speaker, Gordon Research Symposium, Ventura, CA, February 2019
- Organizer, Symposium on Minature Mass Spectrometers, Pittcon, March 2019
- Invited Speaker, Beckman Foundation Meeting on "Opportunities in Instrumentation", Nashville, TN, April 2019
- Invited Lecturer, International Mass Spectrometry School, Sitges, Spain, September 2019
- Kolthoff Lectures, University of Minnesota, MN, October 2019
- Invited Lecture, Watanabe Symposium, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, October 2019
- George Pimentel Lecture, University of California, Berkely, CA, October 2019
- Invited Lecture, International Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICRAN 19, Stella Maris College, Chennai, December 2019
- Invited Lecture, International Conference on Emerging Frontiers in Chemical Science, Farook College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, December 2019
- Invited Lecture, Asia Oceana Mass Spectrometry Conference 2020, Macao, January 2020
- Merck's Pharm Sci Colloquium, October 2020
- William E. Mahoney Annual Lecture in Chemistry, U.Mass., Amherst, 2020
- Plenary Lecture, Annual Conference Instrument.com.cn, Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society, Chinese American Society for Mass Spectrometry, December 2020
- Keynote Lecture, Turkey Run Analytical Chemistry Conference, September 24, 2021
- Invited “Legend” Lecture, 34th International Workshop on Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Lake Louise, Canada, December 2022
- Hovde Distinguished Lecture, Purdue University, April 2023
- Henry Eyring & Bryant A. Miner Lecture, Chemistry Department, University of Utah, April 2023
- Volkswagen Foundation Lectures, Leipzig University, May 2023
- Mass Spectrometry & Advances in Clinical Lab, Lifetime Achievement Award Lecture, Monterey, CA, March 2024
- R. G. Cooks, J. H. Beynon, R. M. Caprioli and G. R. Lester, "Metastable Ions", Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1973 (Reprinted as an American Society for Mass Spectrometry Classic Book, 2004)
- J. B. Lambert, H. F. Shurvell, L. Verbit, R. G. Cooks and George H. Stout, "Organic Structural Analysis", Macmillan, New York, 1976
- R. G. Cooks (ed.) "Collision Spectroscopy", Plenum Press, New York, 1978
- J. B. Lambert, H. F. Shurvell, D. Lightner and R. G. Cooks, "Introduction to Organic Spectroscopy", Macmillan, New York, 1987
- Joseph B. Lambert, Herbert F. Shurvell, David A. Lightner, R. Graham Cooks, "Organic Structural Spectroscopy" Prentice Hall, 1998
- Joseph B. Lambert, Herbert F. Shurvell, David A. Lightner, R. Graham Cooks, "Solutions Manual Organic Structural Spectroscopy", Prentice Hall, 1998
- R. G. Cooks and R. M. Caprioli (eds.), "JMS Special Features: 1995-1997", Wiley, Chichester, 1998
Book chapters
- Jiang Liu, Nicholas E. Manicke, R. Graham Cooks, and Zheng Ouyang, Paper Spray Ionization for Direct Analysis of Dried Blood Spots, in “Dried Blood Spots: Applications and Techniques”, First Edition, Wenhui Li and Mike S. Leed (Eds.), pp. 298 – 313, John Wiley and Sons. Inc. 2014
- Gautam Sharma, Robert J. Noll, Zheng Ouyang, R. Graham Cooks, “Miniaturized mass spectrometers for environmental analysis”, in “Comprehensive Environmental Mass Spectrometry“, Albert Lebedev (ed.), ch. 9 pp. 185 – 224, ILM Publications, St Albans, UK, 2012
- Joshua S. Wiley, Zoltan Takats, Zheng Ouyang, R. Graham Cooks, "Desorption Electrospray Mass Spectrometry", in "Ambient Ionisation Mass Spectrometry", Marek Domain and Robert Cody (eds.), ch. 12, pp. 307-333, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014 (DOI:https://doi.org/10.1039/9781782628026-00307)
Book Reviews and Book Prefaces
- R.G. Cooks, Advances in Mass Spectrometry (Vol. 11A and B), Proceedings of the 11th International Mass Spectrometry Conference held at Bordeaux, P. Longevialle (Ed.), Heyden and Son, London, 1989 for Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom.
- R.G. Cooks, Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry. Techniques and Applications of Tandem Mass Spectrometry, K.L. Busch, G.L. Glish and S.A. McLuckey, VCH Publishers, New York, 1988 for Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc.
- R.G. Cooks, Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry. Techniques and Applications of Tandem Mass Spectrometry, K.L. Busch, G.L. Glish and S.A. McLuckey, VCH Publishers, New York, 1988 for J. Nat. Prod.
- R.G. Cooks, Quadrupole Storage Mass Spectrometry, R.E. March and Richard Hughes, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989 for Anal. Chem.
- R.G. Cooks, "Experimental Investigations of Factors Controlling the Collision Induced Dissociation Spectra of Peptide Ions in a Tandem Hybrid Mass Spectrometer", Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. (vol. 90, 211), 1989 for Chemtracts
- R.G. Cooks, Continuous-Flow Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry, R.M. Caprioli, J.W. Wiley & Sons, Chichester/New York, 1990 for Anal. Biochem.
- R.G. Cooks, Methods in Enzymology. J. A. McCloskey, Academic Press, San Diego, 1991
- Preface to Medical Applications of Mass Spectrometry, Karoly Vekey, Andras Telekes and Akos Vertes, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007
- Preface to 2nd Edition, Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Richard Cole, Wiley, 2007
Issued patents
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton. Mass Spectrometry Via Frequency Tagging. United States patent 11,984,311 B2. May 14, 2024
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng. Ion Generation Using Modified Wetted Porous Materials. United States patent 11,913,924 B2. February 27, 2024
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-hsun; Lin, Ziqing, Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato. Enclosed Desorption Electrospray Ionization Probes and Method of Use Thereof. United States patent 11,903,707 B2. February 20, 2024
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Sample Dispenser Including an Internal Standard and Methods of Use Thereof. United States patent 11,867,684 B2. January 9, 2024
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato; Ferreira, Christina Ramires; Dill, Allison Lisa; Ifa, Demian R. Mass spectral tissue analysis. United States patent 11,860,172 B2. January 2, 2024
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Flick, Tawnya. Electrophoretic mass spectrometry probes and systems and uses thereof. United States patent 11,854,781 B2. December 26, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Wleklinski, Michael Stanley; Logsdon, David. Systems and methods for increasing reaction yield. United States patent 11,833,487 B2. December 5, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Wei, Pu. Sample analysis systems and methods of use thereof. United States patent 11,837,455 B2. December 5, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion Focusing. United States patent 11,830,717 B2. November 28, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jurmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass spectrometry analysis of microorganisms in samples. United States patent 11,830,716 B2. November 28, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton; Szalwinski, Lucas. Two-Dimensional Mass Spectrometry Using Ion Micropacket Detection. United States Patent 11,804,370 B2. October 31, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Basuri, Pallab; Morato, Nicolas M.; Pradeep, Thalappil. Methods of Coupling a Carbon Containing Moiety to an Amine Containing Moiety. United States Patent 11,787,770 B2. October 17, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham. Systems and Methods for Conducting Reactions and Screening for Reaction Products. United States Patent 11,784,035 B2. October 10, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton; Pulliam, Christopher. Precursor and Neutral Loss Scan in an Ion Trap. United States Patent 11,764,046 B2. September 19, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Wei, Zhenwei; McLaren, David G. Multiplexed Inductive Ionization Systems and Methods. United States Patent 11,715,633 B2. August 1, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Pirro, Valentina. Systems And Methods for Sample Analysis Using Swabs. United States Patent 11,710,626 B2. July 25, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Guangtao; Huang, Guangming; Duncan, Jason; Li, Xin; Sokol, Ewa; Yan, Xin. Synchronization of Ion Generation with Cycling of a Discontinuous Atmospheric Interface. United States Patent 11,699,580 B2. July 11, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton. Systems and Methods for Performing Multiple Precursor, Neutral Loss and Product Ion Scans in a Single Ion Trap. United States Patent 11,764,046. June 13, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Marsh, Brett M. Mass Spectrometers that Utilize Ionic Wind and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 11,646,189 B2. May 9, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng. Ion Generation Using Modified Wetted Porous Materials. United States Patent 11,635,415 B2. April 25, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion Focusing. United States Patent 11,631,577 B2. April 18, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton; Basu, Amar S.; Peng, Wen-Ping. Systems and Methods for Separating Ions at About or Above Atmospheric Pressure. United States Patent 11,610,769 B2. March 21, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham. Systems and Methods for Conducting Reactions and Screening for Reaction Products. United States Patent 11,594,408 B2. February 28, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder Dalton; Szalwinski, Lucas. Logical Operations in Mass Spectrometry. United States Patent 11,545,353 B2. January 3, 2023
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Morato, Nicolas M.; Holden, Dylan T. High-throughput Label-free Enzymatic Bioassays Using DESI-MS. United States Patent 11,531,005 B2. December 20, 2022
- Baird, Zane; Cooks, Robert Graham; Hollerbach, Adam; Ouyang, Zheng; Pugia, Michael. Mass Tag Analysis for Rare Cells and Cell Free Molecules. United States Patent 11,531,024 B2. December 20, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion Focusing. United States Patent 11,469,090 B2. October 11, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Pulliam, Christopher; Bain, Ryan M. Conducting Reactions in Leidenfrost-levitated Droplets. United States Patent 11,459,299 B2. October 4, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Morato, Nicolas M.; Holden Dylan T. High-throughput Label-free Enzymatic Bioassays Using Automated DESI-MS. United States Patent 11,397,166 B2. July 26, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Kerian, Kevin Scott; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato. Methods for Determining a Tumor Margin in a Tissue Using a Desorption Electrospray Ionization (DESI) Technique. United States Patent 11,397,189 B2. July 26, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microorganisms in Samples. United States Patent 11,393,668 B2. July 19, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Wei, Pu. Sample Analysis Systems and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 11,380,534 B2. July 5, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham. Systems and Methods for Conducting Reactions and Screening for Reaction Products. United States Patent 11,361,954 B2. June 14, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton T. Systems and Methods for Isolating a Target Ion in an Ion Trap Using a Dual Frequency Waveform. United States Patent 11,355,328 B2. June 7, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton; Pulliam, Christopher. Precursor And Neutral Loss Scan In An Ion Trap. United States Patent 11,348,778 B2. May 31, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato. Enclosed Desorption Electrospray Ionization Probes and Method of Use Thereof. United States Patent 11,304,637 B2. April 19, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Yan, Xin; Pulliam, Christopher; Bain, Ryan M.; Flick, Tawnya; Wei, Zhenwei. Reaction monitoring. United States Patent 11,309,172 B2. April 19, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Jjunju, Fred Paul Mark; Li, Anyin; Roqan, Iman S. Methods of Analyzing Crude Oil. United States Patent 11,300,555 B2. April 12, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Duncan, Jason; Wiley, Joshua. Ion Traps That Apply an Inverse Mathieu Q Scan. United States Patent 11,289,321 B2. March 29, 2022
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Sample Dispenser Including an Internal Standard and Methods of use Thereof. United States Patent 11,287,414 B2. March 29, 2022
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Helmy, Roy; Li, Yangjie; Liu, Yong. Methods for Analyzing Stability of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient. United States Patent 11,209,411 B2. December 28, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Wei, Zhenwei; Mclaren, David G. Multiplexed Inductive Ionization Systems and Methods. United States Patent 11,139,157 B2. October 5, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder; Dalton; Szalwinski; Lucas. Logical Operations in Mass Spectrometry. United States Patent 11,127,581 B2. September 21, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Duncan, Jason; Wiley, Joshua. Ion Traps that Apply an Inverse Mathieu Q Scan. United States Patent 11,120,984 B2. September 14, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng. Ion Generation Using Modified Wetted Porous Materials. United States Patent 11,119,081 B2. September 14, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Pugia, Michael; Hollerbach, Adam; Ayrton, Stephen. Charged Mass Labeling System. United States Patent 11,061,035 B2. July 13, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato; Ferreira, Christina Ramires; Dill, Allison Lisa; Ifa, Demian R. Mass Spectral Tissue Analysis. United States Patent 11,047,869 B2. June 29, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Wleklinski, Michael Stanley; Logsdon, David. Systems and Methods for Increasing Reaction Yield. United States Patent 11,045,783 B2. June 29, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton; Basu, Amar S.; Peng, Wen-Ping. Systems and Methods for Separating Ions at About or Above Atmospheric Pressure. United States Patent 11,037,777 B2. June 15, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Pirro, Valentina. Systems and Methods for Sample Analysis Using Swabs. United States Patent 10,998,178 B2. May 4, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Sarkar, Depanjan; Pradeep, Thalappil; Narayanan, Rahul. Mass Spectrometry Probes and Systems for Ionizing a Sample. United States Patent 10,991,564 B2. April 27, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microorganisms in Samples. United States Patent 10,964,517 B2. March 30, 2021
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Sample Dispenser Including an Internal Standard and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 11,287,414 B2. March 29, 2021
- Thompson, David H.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Ferreira, Christina Ramires; Jaman, Zinia. On-demand Rapid Synthesis of Lomustine Under Continuous Flow Conditions. United States Patent 10,941,111 B2. March 9, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton. Systems and Methods for Performing Multiple Precursor, Neutral Loss and Product Ion Scans in a Single Ion Trap. United States Patent 10,937,638 B2. March 2, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion Focusing. United States Patent 10,923,338 B2. February 16, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton. Systems and Methods for Collision Induced Dissociation of Ions in an Ion Trap. United States Patent 10,923,336 B2. February 16, 2021
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton. Systems and Methods for Conducting Neutral Loss Scans in a Single Ion Trap. United States Patent 10,840,074 B2. November 17, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microorganisms in Samples. United States Patent 10,811,241 B2. October 20, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato. Enclosed Desorption Electrospray Ionization Probes and Method of Use Thereof. United States Patent 10,799,165 B2. October 13, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion Focusing. United States Patent 10,777,400 B2. September 15, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Pulliam, Christopher; Bain, Ryan M. Conducting Reactions in Leidenfrost-levitated Droplets. United States Patent 10,774,044 B2. September 15, 2020
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas M.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Sample Dispenser Including an Internal Standard and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 10,761,083 B2. September 1, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Guangtao; Huang, Guangming; Duncan Jason; Li, Xin; Sokol, Ewa; Yan, Xin. Synchronization of Ion Generation with Cycling of a Discontinuous Atmospheric Interface. United States Patent 10,755,910 B2. August 25, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng. Ion Generation Using Modified Wetted Porous Materials. United States Patent 10,732,159 B2. August 4, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton; Basu, Amar S.; Peng, Wen-Ping. Systems and Methods for Separating Ions at About or Above Atmospheric Pressure. United States Patent 10,727,041 B2. July 28, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Pu, Wei. Sample Analysis Systems and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 10,720,316 B2. July 21, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Wleklinski, Michael Stanley; Bag, Soumabha; Li, Yafeng. Zero Voltage Mass Spectrometry Probes and Systems. United States Patent 10,714,323 B2. July 14, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Anyin; Pradeep, Thalappil; Baird, Zane. Systems and Methods for Producing Metal Clusters; Functionalized Surfaces; and Droplets including Solvated Metal Ions. United States Patent 10,683,579 B2. July 16, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng. Rare event detection using mass tags. United States Patent 10,656,157 B2. May 19, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton T. Ion Traps that Apply an Inverse Mathieu Q Scan. United States Patent 10,622,202 B2. April 14, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass spectrometry analysis of microorganisms in samples. United States Patent 10,622,198 B2. April 14, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion focusing. United States Patent 10,615,021 B2. April 7, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Anyin; Hollerbach, Adam. Systems and methods for relay ionization. United States Patent 10,580,634 B2. March 3, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton T. Systems and Methods for Conducting Neutral Loss Scans in a Single Ion Trap. United States Patent 10,580,633 B2. March 3, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Jjunju, Fred Paul Mark; Li, Anyin; Roqan, Iman S. Methods of analyzing crude oil. United States Patent 10,571,453 B2. February 25, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Eberlin, Livia S. Enclosed desorption electrospray ionization probes and method of use thereof. United States Patent 10,555,694 B2. February 11, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Sarkar, Depanjan; Pradeeo, Thalappil; Narayanan, Rahul. Mass spectrometry probes and systems for ionizing a sample. United States Patent 10,559,455 B2. February 11, 2020
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton. Systems and methods for ejection of ions from an ion trap. United States Patent 10,515,792 B2. December 24, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Eberlin, Livia S. Enclosed desorption electrospray ionization probes and method of use thereof. United States Patent 10,420,495 B2. September 24, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Sarkar, Depanjan; Pradeep, Thalappil; Narayanan, Rahul. Mass spectrometry probes and systems for ionizing a sample transport. United States Patent 10,395,913 B2. August 27, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Anyin; Hollerbach, Adam. Systems and methods for relay ionization. United States Patent 10,395,911 B2. August 27, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Duncan Jason; Huang, Guangming; Li, Guangtao; Yan, Xin; Sokol, Ewa; Li, Xin. Synchronization of ion generation with cycling of a discontinuous atmospheric interface. United States Patent 10,361,073 B2. July 23, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Anyin; Pradeep, Thalappil; Baird, Zane. Systems and methods for producing metal clusters; functionalized surfaces; and droplets including solvated metal ions. United States Patent 10,329,679 B2. June 25, 2019
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and methods for transfer of ions for analysis. United States Patent 10,290,483 B2. May 14, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Wleklinski, Michael Stanley; Bag, Soumabha; Li, Yafeng. Zero Voltage Mass Spectrometry Probes and Systems. United States Patent 10,266,085 B2. April 9, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Anyin; Hollerbach, Adam. Systems and Methods for Relay Ionization. United States Patent 10,242,856 B2. March 26, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-Hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Eberlin; Livia Schiavinato. Enclosed Desorption Electrospray Ionization Probes and Method of use Thereof. United States Patent 10,213,143 B2. February 26, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microorganisms in Samples. United States Patent 10,204, 72 B2. February 12, 2019.
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Jjunju, Fred Paul Mark, Li, Anyin; Roqan, Iman S. Methods of Analyzing Crude Oil. United States Patent 10,197,547 B2. February 5, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ferreira, Christina Ramires; Sobreira, Tiago. Systems and Methods for Screening a Sample Based on Multiple Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry. United States Patent 10,168,312 B2. January 1, 2019
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Wleklinski, Michael Stanely; Pradeep, Thalappil; Sarkare, Depanjan. Systems and Methods for Producing Metal Clusters; Functionalized Surfaces; and Droplets including Solvated Metals Ions. United States Patent 10,113,242 B2. October 30, 2018
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng. Ion Generation using Modified Wetted Porous Materials. United States Patent 10,088,461 B2. October 2, 2018
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Wei, Pu. Sample Analysis Systems and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 10,079,140 B2. September 18, 2018
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion Focusing. United States Patent 10,014,169 B2. July 3, 2018
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and Methods for Transfer of Ions for Analysis. United States Patent 10,008,374 B2. June 26, 2018
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-Hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato. Enclosed Desorption Electrospray Ionization Probes and Method of use Thereof. United States Patent 10,004,440 B2. June 26, 2018
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microorganisms in Samples. United States Patent 9,941,105 B2. April 10, 2018
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato; Ferreira, Christina Ramires; Dill, Allison Lisa; Ifa, Demian R. Combined DESI and Optical Imaging Analysis of Tissues. United States Patent 9,921,233 B2. March 20, 2018
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Snyder, Dalton. Systems and Methods for Ejection of Ions from an Ion Trap. United States Patent 9,922,813 B2. March 20, 2018
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Espy, Ryan. Ion generation using modified wetted porous materials. United States Patent 9,797,872 B2. October 24, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Wleklinski, Michael Stanley; Bag, Soumabha; Li, Yafeng. Zero voltage mass spectrometry probes and systems. United States Patent 9,786,478 B2. October 10, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Duncan, Jason; Huang, Guangming; Li, Guangtao; Yan, Xin; Sokol, Ewa; Li, Xin. Synchronization of Ion Generation with Cycling of a Discontinuous Atmospheric Interface. United States Patent 9,761,426 B2. September 12, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Jjunju, Fred Paul Mark; Li, Anyin; Rogan, Iamn S. Methods of analyzing crude oil. United States Patent 9,733,228 B2. August 15, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Anyin; Luo, Qingjie. Systems and methods for producing metal clusters; functionalized surfaces; and droplets including solvated metal ions. United States Patent 9,719,181 B2. August 1, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-Hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Eberlin, Livia S. Enclosed desorption electrospray ionization probes and method of use thereof. United States Patent 9,700,251 B2. July 11, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Wei, Pu. Sample analysis systems and methods of use thereof. United States Patent 9,704,700 B2. July 11, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass spectrometry analysis of microorganisms in samples. United States Patent 9,620,344 B2. April 11, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Anyin; Luo, Qingjie. Systems and Methods for Producing Metal Clusters, Functionalized Surfaces, and Droplets Including Solvated Metal Ions. United States Patent 9,551,079. January 24, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion Focusing. United States Patent 9,548,192. January 17, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Kerian, Kevin Scott; Jarmusch; Alan Keith; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato. Analyzing a Metabolite Level in a Tissue Sample Using DESI. United States Patent 9,546,979. January 17, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-Hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato. Desorption Electrospray Ionization Sampling Without Damaging an In Vivo Tissue Sample. United States Patent 9,538,945. January 10, 2017
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He. Ion Generation Using Modified Wetted Porous Materials. United States Patent 9,500,630. November 22, 2016
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Duncan, Jason; Huang, Guangming; Li, Guangtao; Yan, Xin; Sokol, Ewa; Li, Xin. Synchronization of Ion Generation with Cycling of a Discontinuous Atmospheric Interface. United States Patent 9,500,623. November 22, 2016
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Sample Dispenser Including an Internal Standard and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 9,500,572. November 22, 2016
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and Methods for Transfer of Ions for Analysis. United States Patent 9,484,195. November 1, 2016
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Zhang, Zhiping. Ion Generation Using Modified Wetted Porous Materials. United States Patent 9,230,792. January 5, 2016
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Baird, Zane; Peng, Wen-Ping. Ion Focusing. United States Patent 9,184,038. November 10, 2015
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Duncan, Jason; Huang, Guangming; Li, Guangtao; Yan, Xin; Sokol, Ewa; Li, Xin. Synchronization of Ion Generation with Cycling of a Discontinuous Atmospheric Interface. United States Patent 9,184,036. November 10, 2015
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Guangtao; Li, Xin; Ouyang, Zheng. Systems and Methods for Sample Analysis. United States Patent 9,165,752. October 20, 2015
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and Methods for Transfer of Ions for Analysis. United States Patent 9,159,540. October 13, 2015
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Eberlin, Livia Schiavinato; Ferreira, Christina Ramires; Dill, Allison Lisa; Ifa, Demian R. Method for Diagnosing Abnormality in Tissue Samples by Combination of Mass Spectral and Optical Imaging. United States Patent 9,157,921. October 13, 2015
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 9,116,154. August 25, 2015
- Ouyang, Zheng; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan; Cooks, Robert Graham. Low Temperature Plasma Probe and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 9,064,674. June 23, 2015
- Ouyang, Zheng; Gao, Liang; Cooks, Robert Graham. Discontinuous Atmospheric Pressure Interface. United States Patent 9,058,967. June 16, 2015
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microorganisms in Samples. United States Patent 9,035,239. May 19, 2015
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Chen, Chien-Hsun; Lin, Ziqing; Schiavinato, Livia. Enclosed Desorption Electrospray Ionization Probes and Method of Use Thereof. United States Patent 9,024,254. May 5, 2015
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and Methods for Transfer of Ions for Analysis. United States Patent 8,963,079. February 24, 2015
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microorganisms in Samples. United States Patent 8,937,288. January 20, 2015
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 8,933,398. January 13, 2015
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Li, Guangtao; Li, Xin; Ouyang, Zheng. Systems and Methods for Sample Analysis. United States Patent 8,932,875. January 13, 2015
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng; Zhang, Zhiping. Ion Generation Using Modified Wetted Porous Materials. United States Patent 8,895,918. November 25, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 8,890,063. November 18, 2014
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed M.; Jarmusch, Alan K.; Ouyang, Zheng. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 8,859,986. October 14, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 8,859,959. October 14, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 8,859,958. October 14, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Hou, Keyong. Systems and Methods for Sample Analysis. United States Patent 8,859,957. October 14, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 8,859,956. October 14, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Gao, Liang; Cooks, Robert Graham. Discontinuous Atmospheric Pressure Interface. United States Patent 8,853,627. October 7, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Wang, He; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Yang, Qian; Liu, Jiangjiang. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 8,816,275. August 26, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and Methods for Transfer of Ions for Analysis. United States Patent 8,803,085. August 12, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Harper, Jason; Charipar, Nicholas; Cooks, Robert Graham. Low Temperature Plasma Probe and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 8,772,710. July 8, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Gao, Liang; Cooks, Robert Graham. Discontinuous Atmospheric Pressure Interface. United States Patent 8,766,178. July 1, 2014
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Ion Generation Using Wetted Porous Material. United States Patent 8,710,437. April 29, 2014
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Hamid, Ahmed Mohamed; Jarmusch, Alan Keith; Ouyang, Zheng. Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Microorganisms in Samples. United States Patent 8,704,167. April 22, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and Methods for Transfer of Ions for Analysis. United States Patent 8,686,351. April 1, 2014
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and Methods for Transfer of Ions for Analysis. United States Patent 8,592,756. November 26, 2013
- Charipar, Nicholas; Harper, Jason; Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham. Low Temperature Plasma Probe and Methods of Use Thereof. United States Patent 8,519,354. August 27, 2013
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham; Garimella, Sandilya Venkata; Harper, Jason David; Charipar, Nicholas Alan. Systems and Methods for Transfer of Ions for Analysis. United States Patent 8,410,431. April 2, 2013.
- Xu, Wei; Chappell, William; Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham. Non-Destructive, High Order Harmonic Ion Motion Image Current Detection. United States Patent 8,362,418. January 29, 2013
- Ouyang, Zheng; Gao, Liang; Cooks, Robert Graham. Discontinuous Atmospheric Pressure Interface. United States Patent 8,304,718. November 6, 2012
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Gologan, Bogdan; Takats, Zoltan; Wiseman, Justin M.; Cotte-Rodriguez, Ismael. Method and System for Desorption Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization. United States Patent 8,076,639. December 13, 2011
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Peng, Wen-Ping; Ouyang, Zheng; Goodwin, Michael P. Methods and Apparatuses for Preparing a Surface to Have Catalytic Activity. United States Patent 7,910,377. March 22, 2011
- Venter, Andre; Cooks, Robert Graham. Enclosed Desorption Electrospray Ionization. United States Patent 7,847,244. December 7, 2010
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Gologan, Bogdan; Takats, Zoltan; Wiseman, Justin M.; Cotte-Rodriguez, Ismael. Method and System for Desorption Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization. United States Patent 7,544,933. June 9, 2009
- Blake, Thomas; Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham. System and Method for Preparative Mass Spectrometry. United States Patent 7,381,373. June 3, 2008
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Ouyang, Zheng. System and Method for the Preparation of Arrays of Biological or Other Molecules. United States Patent 7,361,311. April 22, 2008
- Takats, Zoltan; Gologan, Bogdan; Wiseman, Justin Michael; Cooks, Robert Graham. Method and System for Desorption Electrospray Ionization. United States Patent 7,335,897. February 26, 2008
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham. Multiplexed Mass Spectrometer. United States Patent 7,157,699. January 2, 2007
- Takats, Zoltan; Cooks, Robert Graham. Electrosonic Spray Ionization Method and Device for the Atmospheric Ionization of Molecules. United States Patent 7,015,466. March 21, 2006
- Ouyang, Zheng; Cooks, Robert Graham. Rectilinear Ion Trap and Mass Analyzer System and Method. United States Patent 6,838,666. January 4, 2005
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Badman, Ethan R.; Ouyang, Zheng; Wells, James M. Ion Trap Array Mass Spectrometer. United States Patent 6,762,406. July 13, 2004
- Frankevich, Vladimir E.; Soni, Manish H.; Nappi, Mario; Santini, Robert E.; Amy, Jonathan W.; Cooks, Robert Graham. Non-Destructive Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer and Method. United States Patent 5,625,186. April 29, 1997
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Bauer, Scott J. Analyte Separation Process and Apparatus. United States Patent 5,448,062. September 5, 1995
- Bier, Mark E.; Cooks, Robert Graham; Stafford, George C. Mass Spectrometer with In-Line Collision Surface Means. United States Patent 5,026,987. June 25, 1991
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Bier, Mark E.; Brodbelt, Jennifer S.; Tou, James C.; Westover, Lemoyne B. Capillary Membrane Interface for a Mass Spectrometer. United States Patent 4,791,292. December 13, 1988
- Cooks, Robert Graham; Story, Michael S.; Jung, Gerhard; Dobberstein, Peter. Hybrid Mass Spectrometer. United States Patent 4,536,652. August 20, 1985
Start-up Companies (facilitated launch, technology from Cooks lab)
- MIMS Technology, Inc., 1987
- Griffin Analytical Technologies, Inc. 2001 (acquired by ICx, LLC, now a Division of Teledyne FLIR Inc.)
- Prosolia, Inc., 2004
- QuantIon, Inc., 2011
- PurSpec, LLC, 2016
Consulting (partial list)
- Consultant to Union Carbide, 1979-1984
- Consultant to Abbott Labs, 1981-1984
- Consultant to Finnigan MAT (now Thermo Fisher), 1979- present (honorary)
- Consultant to Dow Chemical, 1982-1986 and 1988-1990
- Consultant to Exxon, 1983-1986
- Consultant to PPG, 1986-1987
- Various Pharma and energy companies
Advisory Boards (non-compensated)
- ICx Scientific Advisory Board, 2007-2009
- Prosolia, Board of Directors, 2006-2012
- Representative, Allerton Analytical Group, 1981-1985
- Member, Board of American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 1982-1988
- Vice President for Programs, American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 1982-1984
- Biological Instrumentation Panel, Directorate for Biological, Behavioral and Social Sciences, National Science Foundation, 1982-1986
- President, American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 1984-1986
- Organizer, Short Courses on Tandem Mass Spectrometry, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985 & 1987
- Advisory Panel, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada), 1983
- Advisory Committee, DOE, University Coal Research Program, 1985
- International Organizing Committee, International Mass Spectrometry Conference, 1985
- Advisory Committee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Analytical Chemistry Division, 1987-1991
- Advisory Committee, Michigan State University Mass Spectrometry Center, 1985-1989
- Advisory Committee, Project SIINC, Virginia Military Institute, 1980-1985
- Member, Chemistry Section Committee, AAAS, 1987-1988
- Member, Board of Asilomar Conference of Mass Spectrometry, 1987-1988
- Instrumentation Advisory Panel, Anal. Chem., 1989- 1991
- Co-organizer, ACS 43rd Annual Summer Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Oak Ridge, TN, 1990
- Advisory Committee, University of California, Riverside Mass Spectrometry Center, 1990-1992
- Co-organizer, 9th Annual Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry, 1992
- Co-organizer of Turkey Run Analytical Chemistry Conference, Marshall, IN, 1986, 1987, 2000
- Co-organizer, ACS 43rd Annual Summer Symposium on Analytical Chemistry, Oak Ridge, TN, 1990
- Kyoto 1992 International Committee, '92 Conference on Biomedical and Biochemical Mass Spectrometry, 1990-1992
- Editor, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc. (vol. 111, "Biomolecules"), 1991
- Co-organizer, Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Asilomar, CA, 1992
- Chairman, Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Asilomar, CA, 1994-1995
- Editor, Special Features, J. Mass Spectrom., 1997-2004
- Chairman, Working Committee, International Mass Spectrometry Society, 1994-1997
- Organizer, Honorary Degree Symposium, Purdue University, 1995
- External evaluation committee, Chemistry Graduate Program, UC Riverside, 1997
- External advisory committee, Chemistry Department, University of Arizona, 1997
- Founding President, International Mass Spectrometry Society, 1997-1998
- Editor, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (vol 182, 183), "A Memorial to Ben S. Freiser", 1999
- Co-Founder, Indiana Instrumentation Institute (III), 2000
- External advisory committee, Chemistry Department, University of Arizona, 2000
- Ad hoc reviewer, Ohio Eminent Scholar Program, University of Akron, 2001
- Ad hoc Instrumentation Advisory Panel, National Science Foundation, 2001
- Panel Member & Speaker, NSF's Analytical Instrumentation for the New Millenium, Tucson, 2001
- Panel member, Chemistry Research Instrumentation & Facilities (CRIF), National Science Foundation, 2001
- Member, Committee of Visitors, Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Gaithersburg, MD, 2002
- Organizer, Conference on Fieldable Mass Spectrometers for Selective Trace Level Detection of Chemical/Biological Warfare Agents and Explosives, Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF), Arlington, VA, 2002
- Co-Organizer, Protein Mass Spectrometry Short Course, Purdue University, 2002
- Co-Organizer, 15th Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry, American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Sanibel, FL, 2003
- Scientific Committee Advisory Committee, 10th Beijing Conference and Exposition on Instrumental Analysis, 2003
- Co-Organizer, Awards Symposium for Mass Spectrometry & Analytical Chemistry Awards in Honor of Richard D. Smith (ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry) and Jesse L. Beauchamp (Field and Franklin Award for Mass Spectrometry), ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, 2003
- CBMS Program ReviewFor Joint Science & Technology Panel for Chemical Biological Defense, US Dept of Defense, Edgewood, MD, 2003
- Panel member, Chemistry Bonding Centers, National Science Foundation, 2004
- Co-organizer, Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry, ASMS, Sanibel, FL, 2003
- Scientific Committee, 10th International Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, 2003
- Reviewer of Draft Report on National Research Council "Testing and Evaluation Methodology for Biological Point Detectors", 2004
- External advisory committee, Chemistry Department, Texas A&M University, 2005
- Department of Homeland Security, Panel on Mass Spectrometry Validation Study, 2006
- Science Community Meeting on Communication with Law Enforcement, FBI, Washington, 2006
- Advisory Board, Molecular Signatures Core Facility, Indiana University School of Medicine, 2007
- Participant in "Workshop on Instrumentation Development: Tools for the New Millenium" Sponsored by Chemistry Division, NSF, GMS NIH June 2008
- Participant in Workshop on Biological Instrumentation, NSF Chemistry Division, 2008
- Committee on Reduction of False Positives from Explosives Detection Systems, Board on Manufacturing & Engineering, National Research Council, 2008
- Scientific Review Committee, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Taiwan Academy of Sciences, Taipei, 2009
- Coorganizer, US-China Analytical Chemistry Workshop October 6,7 2010, Purdue University, 2010
- Reviewer of Report of NAS Committee on Assessment of Agent Monitoring Strategies for the Blue Grass and Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plants, 2012
- Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development Workshops, Purdue University, 2008-2013
- International Scientific Advisory Board, Phenome Center, Imperial College, London, 2012
- Advisory Board, National Centre for Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging (NiCE-MSI), NPL, 2012-present
- Organizer, NSF-sponsored Panel on Strengthening Forensic Science through Connections with the Analytical Sciences, Arlington, VA, 2012
- Scientific Committee, Bejing Conference on Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis, 2013
- Co-Organizer, Innovations in Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation Conference, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2013
- Organizer, ASMS 2014 Symposium, The Triple Quadrupole: 35 Years of Evolution and Application to Celebrate Chris Enke's 80th Birthday, Baltimore, MD, 2014
- Member, External Advisory Committee, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, NSF, 2015-2016
- Member, Committee of Visitors, Chemistry Division, NSF, 2016
- Organizer, 29th James L. Waters Symposium, Pittcon, 2018
- Vice-chair, Gordon Conference on Molecular Structure Elucidation, Vermont, 2018
- Annual Reviews of Analytical Chemistry, 2010-2015
Editorial Boards
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 1988-1994, 1999-present
- Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proc., 1987-2012
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 1986-present
- Biological Mass Spectrometry, 1984-1995
- Talanta, 1984-2001
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 1989-1997, 1999-2004, 2007-2012
- Analytical Chemistry Bench Top Series, 1990-1992
- Encyclopedia of Scientific Instruments, 1990-1993
- Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1990-1995
- Instrumentation Advisory Panel, Analytical Chemistry, 1989-1991
- Accounts of Chemical Research, 1993-1995
- Encyclopedia of Scientific Instrumentation, 1993-1995
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 1995-2006
- Analytica Chimica Acta, 1993-2001
- Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society, 2002-present
- Central European Journal of Chemistry 2002-present
- Analytical Chemistry, 2002-2005
- Chemistry World, 2005-2007
- J. Proteome Research, 2006- 2007
- Annual Reviews of Analytical Chemistry, 2006 –2009
- Analyst, 2006- present
- J. Mass Spectrometry Society Japan, 2009 – present
- Chemical Science, 2010 - present
University Committees and Activities (Partial List)
- Chairman, Advisory Committee for Campus-Wide Mass Spectrometry Facility, 1984-1988
- Advisory Committee for Campus-Wide Mass Spectrometry Facility, 1988-1995
- Chairman, Visual Arts Committee, 1986-1989
- Patents and Copyright Committee, 1989-1992
- Edward C. Elliott Hall of Music 50th Aniversary Planning Committee, 1988-1990
- School of Science Promotions Committee, 1989-present
- Ad Hoc University Committee on Conflict of Interest, 1990-1991
- Ad Hoc University Committee on Property Screening, 1991-1992
- University Scholars Committee (School of Science), 1999
- Ad Hoc University Committee on Large Proposals, 2000
- Distinguished Professor Evaluation Committees, 1994 and many subsequent years
- Advisory Committee to Consider Intellectual Property Policies for Purdue University 2005-2006
- Distinguished Professor Promotion Committees (ad hoc, total ca. 14)
- Planning Committee, Alfred K. Mann Foundation Institute at Purdue University, 2005-2006
- School of Science, Dean selection committee, 2008/2009
- Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Committee, 2011
- Decadal Committee, 2011
- Joint Networked Centre, IUUSSTF
- Chair, VPR "Pillars" Committee on Biosciences at Purdue, 2014
- Discovery Park Directors' Scientific Advisory Board, 2016-2017
Chemistry Department Committees and Activities (Partial List)
- Planning & Policy Committee, 1989-1994 and 2007-present
- Industrial Cooperation Committee, Chair, 1984-1989
- Industrial Cooperation Committee, 1989-2003
- Instrumentation Facility Liaison Committee, 1988 and subsequently
- Head Search Committee, 1997- 1998; 2004
- Ben S. Freiser Memorial Lecture Committee (Department of Chemistry)
- Program Organizer, Frontiers in Mass Spectrometry, 1999
- Short Courses on Mass Spectrometry and Analytical Chemistry, 1973 and subsequently
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences (elected fellow)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (elected fellow)
- American Society for Mass Spectrometry
- American Chemical Society
- Sigma Xi
- Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society (Honorary)
- British Mass Spectrometry Society (Honorary)
- Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry (Honorary)
- Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan (Honorary)
- Czech Mass Spectrometry Society (Honorary)
- Royal Society of Chemistry (Fellow)
Contact Information
560 Oval Drive
Department of Chemistry
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1393
Phone: (765) 494-5263
Fax: (765) 494-9421
Email: cooks@purdue.edu