Featured in the News
Team expands research of water droplet interfaces that offer the secret ingredient for building life. Phys Org, 2024.
Water Is Essential to Life. How Could It Ever Go Out of Style? The New York Times, 2023.
Scientists Made a Breakthrough on Life’s Origin and It Could Change Everything. VICE, 2022.
Water was both essential and a barrier to early life on Earth – microdroplets are one potential solution to this paradox. The Conversation, 2022.
Origin of life pinned down to chemistry in water droplets. The American Bazaar, 2022.
Scientists Claim to Have Discovered the "Secret Ingredient for Building Life". Futurism, 2022.
The Fountain of Life: Scientists Uncover the “Chemistry Behind the Origin of Life”. SciTechDaily, 2022.
Life on Earth began with a chemical ‘Big Bang’ in a drop of water. StudyFinds, 2022.
Glass catalysis screening study prompts reactionware rethink. Chemistry World, 2021.
Reaction Acceleration in Microdroplets. Chemistry Views, 2021.
New ion trap method sets its sights on Mars. Chemistry World, 2017.
Super quick synthesis in Leidenfrost lab. Chemistry World, 2016.
Mass spec backpack for chemical analysis on the go. Chemistry World, 2014.
New Purdue-designed tool aims to aid brain surgeons. Journal & Courier, 2014.
Synthesis by mass spectrometry. Chemistry World, 2012.
New tool helps guide brain cancer surgery. MedicaXpress, 2012.
'CSI' Device Used in Real-World Healthcare. NewsMax, 2012.
“CSI” Technology Holds Potential in Everyday Medicine. NewsWise by the American Chemical Society, 2012.
When CSI comes to life. ZDNET, 2012.
The Man Behind the Technology of "CSI". Live Science, 2008.
Fingerprint test can show what person has touched. The New York Times, 2008.
Fingerprints go high-tech. ScienceNews, 2008.
DESI Gives Fingerprinting Some New Respect. Science 2.0, 2008.
Sticky fingers. The Economist, 2008.
Cooks and Ouyang discuss the mini mass spectrometer and its potential applications. U.S. National Science Foundation News Release, 2006.
Small, Ultra-fast and Ultra-versatile Scanner Takes Chemical Analysis to the Field. U.S. National Science Foundation News Release, 2006.
Ions Alfresco. Science, 2004.